September 1, 2015
Jones, Jim | P | Veninger, John | P | Quirk, Andrew | P |
Burr, Rob | P | Straubel, Kathy | P | Martucci, Greg | P |
Colnaghi, Warren | P | Manzo, Rene | E | Zielinski, Gary | P |
Fineman, Andy | E | Nietzer, Laura | P | Donoghue, Paul | E |
Horn, Jason | E | Sarnowski, Karen | E | Pojedinec, Jane | P |
Decina, Dennis | P |
P= PresentE = Excused A= Absent P* present via Skype
Attorney Present: James Romer [X] yes [ ] no
With a quorum present, the meeting was called to order at 7: 26pm by John Veninger.
Public Session:
Jim Suessman, a resident, came to the board meeting to ask about the 2012 audit report. Jim will email Jane Pojedinec in reference to his concerns. Jim also questioned the budget for weeds being so high. John Veninger explained that we never fund the full budget usually only 70% or so. So the allotted $99,000 is never used.
Jim suggests that we have a budget committee. John explained that we have an open budget committee including the public before the board meeting each month. Jim resigned from the audit committee. Laura Nietzer explained that the reason we even had an audit committee was due to his request. He believes that there is an issue with being on a cash basis. John explained that there has not been a problem with the financial operation of the association and in fact we are always in the black. Jim brought up the receivable issue. John explained that we have outstanding debt, but because we are on a cash basis we may not get all monies owed to us.
A resident came to the meeting requesting to be on the board. Oleg Vasertriger, oleg@gorillaad.com,
A motion was made by Laura Nietzer to approve Oleg Vasertriger to fulfill the vacancy with the least amount of tine left, Greg Martucci seconded it.
10 yeas 0 nos 0 abstentions
A motion was made by Rob Burr seconded by Jane Pojedinec to approve the regular meeting minutes for August, 2015.
9 yeas; 0 nos; 2 abstentions
A motion was made by Greg Martucci and seconded by Rob Burr to approve the public meeting minutes for August, 2015.
8 yeas; 0 nos; 3 abstentions
Official resignations were received from Jason Horn and Andy Fineman.
Elections for the executive board.
A motion was made by Laura Nietzer for a slate nomination – John Veninger for president, Andrew Quirk for vice-president, Karen Sarnowski for membership secretary and Kathy Straubel for secretary and Paul Donoghue for treasurer. The motion was seconded by Jane Pojedinec.
10 yeas 0 nos o abstentions
A zoning permit was received to remove and replace a deck on Emerson Rd., which is not on parklands
Membership Secretary’s Report:
No report
Treasurer’s Report:
At this point there has been a 68.8% collection rate on the easement. All chairs seem to be managing their budgets appropriately.
POA –The activities budget has been exceeded due to a 15% surcharge for the fireworks rain date. An adjustment may need to be made to the activities budget later this year or a transfer from the general funding if necessary.
CDARS need signatures from John Veninger, Karen Sarnowski and Rob Burr. The board discussion revolved around the length of time for deposit. Since the rates are so small it was decided to use the 4 week term and keep reinvesting it at the end of the term.
A motion to approve the POA and Easement financial statements for July and August.
Dennis Decina seconded the motion.
10 yeas 0 nos 1 abstention
Unfinished Business:
Graffitti on township property: Andrew Quirk will work with Tanya on this
Unpaved roads: No new information
Review of Master Plan submissions: Jane Pojedinec will assist chairs in completing their master plan submissions.
Bulkhead: Jim Jones reported that he is waiting for permits. Rob Burr reported that Karen Sarnowski has begun the permit process for the lake lowering.
Short Term Projects: none
Long Term Projects: none
Activities: no report
Beach: Laura Nietzer reported that two families were sharing beach tags. Letters have been sent to the families. They will not be allowed on the beach for the last week of the summer. Movie night this Friday on the beach.
Boathouse: no report
By-Laws/Rules/Regs: no report
Clubhouse: no report
Computers: No report
Dams: Andrew Quirk reported that Barbarese was approved for the riprap work. He got three estimates for the electrical work. He recommends that the contract be awarded Hall Electric.
A motion was made Warren Colnaghi to award the contract to Hall Electric, Gary Zielinski seconded
10 yeas, 0 nos, 1 abstention
Also a camera needs to be placed near the dam by the spillway on a pole. He recommends Master Fire Protection Inc.
Rob Burr made a motion to award the contract to Master Fire Protection, Inc, Warren Colnaghi seconded the motion.
10 yeas, 0 nos, 1 abstention
Docks:no report
Dredging: No report
Easement: An Easement meeting was held on September 1, 2015 at 7pm. (see Public Session) New easement meeting time will be 7:15pm
Encroachment: No report
Environment: no report
Entertainment: no report
Executive: no report
Insurance: no report
Legal: no report
Master Plan: Jane Pojedinec is still missing write-ups from some committee chairs.
Publicity: Jane Pojedinec will work with Oleg Vasertriger to renew the website.
Newsletter: No report
Security: No report
Stumps: no report
Township: no report
Weeds: no report
Ad hoc committees:
Storm drains: no report
Independent audit committee: no report
New Business: Jane Pojedinec brought up the fact that she thinks we need to recruit more board members.
A motion was made by Greg Martucci and was seconded by Kathy Straubel to adjourn the meeting at 10:00pm.
Approved by acclamation.