WEST MILFORD The West Milford Police Department has chosen to become involved with the Nixle Service to alert residents in a rapid manner when there is urgent information that needs to be disseminated to the community. This free system allows community members to register to receive email or text notifications directly from the police department and can get instant notices about everything from gas leaks to missing persons, traffic accidents and road closures.
Nixle, LLC developed this secure messaging technology to open trustworthy, reliable communications between governmental agencies and the communities they serve. Only authenticated agencies and organizations are permitted to use Nixle, which prevents false messages and impersonations.
New Owners Information:
Welcome to Upper Greenwood Lake. We would like you to become acquainted with your new community. Therefore we are providing you with the information which will introduce you to the community and the lake association. Please contact the office upon purchasing your property in Upper Greenwood Lake so we may update our records.
Easement Rights:
There are approximately 2100 properties in Upper Greenwood Lake. These properties have a deeded right to bathe, boat and fish in the waters of Upper Greenwood Lake. The lake association refers to this right as an easement and owners as easement holders. All easement holders are required to pay a mandatory easement fee, which is used to pay for the maintenance of the lake. These fees pay for items such as property taxes on the Lake Bottom and parklands, maintenance & inspections of the dam, weed treatments and security personnel. The easement fee is an annual fee that is due by March 1st of every year. Please contact the office if you do not receive your annual invoice by March 1st.
Even though Upper Greenwood Lake is a private lake, you must possess a NJ Fishing License in order to fish.
POA Membership:
You may become a POA member by paying the annual membership dues in addition to your easement fee. POA members have use of the beach, can have a dock space, can keep their boat in the waters of Upper Greenwood Lake overnight and receive a discounted fee on clubhouse rentals. POA membership dues pay for items such as the beach & beach staff, the clubhouse, community activities and the annual fireworks display.
The beach season is Memorial Day through Labor Day. While public school is in session, usually Memorial Day through approximately the last week of June, the beach is only open on weekends. Afterwards the beach is open 7 days a week. Currently, swim lessons are offered to children of POA members during the week. There are family activities offered throughout the summer, such as ice cream socials, candy bar bingo and movie nights. You must be a POA Member to use the beach.
Any easement holder that is in good standing may apply for a dock space on Upper Greenwood Lake. The dock committee will process dock applications in the order they are received. The UGLPOA Dock Committee tries to assign docks close and convenient for the homeowner. Homeowners that do not live near the lake will be assigned docks in public access areas. You must be assigned a dock space in order to place or use a dock in Upper Greenwood Lake. Once you are assigned a dock space, you must become a POA Member and pay the annual dues in addition to the easement fee. You must also notify the dock committee before doing any repairs to your dock. Maximum dock dimensions are 4’ X 18’. All dock owners are responsible to keep their docks in “good repair”. Dock Owners will be billed annually for their dock, regardless of use, until they notify the UGLPOA in writing that they are surrendering their dock space. If a dock owner surrenders their dock in an area not accessible to the general public where the dock cannot be reassigned, they must remove the dock in addition to written notification.
Please note docks do not go with the sale of a home. If new owners wish to have a dock, they must apply with the office and once assigned a space POA membership must be paid annually in addition to easement fees.
The Upper Greenwood Lake Clubhouse is located on Lakeshore Drive adjacent to the beach. The UGLPOA office is located in the clubhouse through the main doors. The clubhouse is also used for committee meetings, board meetings, and public events. The clubhouse can be rented only by residents of the Upper Greenwood Lake community. POA members receive a discounted rental rate because POA membership dues pay for maintenance of the clubhouse.
The Activities Committee runs community events throughout the year, such as Comedy Night, Breakfast with the Bunny, Music Under the Stars, Breakfast with Santa and an annual Fireworks Display on the last Saturday of June. For information on these events, you may sign up for emails and like our Facebook page.
If you want more detailed information regarding any of the above, you can view our Bylaws and Rules and Regulations or you can contact the office through email: office@uglpoa.com or call (973)853-4262.
There is a strip of parkland along most of the shoreline of the lake that is common property of the UGLPOA. Please contact the UGLPOA before removing any trees from parkland. Also no permanent structures can be built on parklands. This includes decks, wells, septic tanks, walls and fences or additions to homes. Anyone owning or building such encroachments will be asked to remove them or they will be removed by the POA.
Boats must be registered with the POA office before launching in Upper Greenwood Lake. In order to register power boats with our office, you must provide a copy of your boating safety certificate and a copy of the boat registration. Power boats must be registered in the property owners’ name. A sticker will be issued annually for power boats and non-powered boats at the request of the property owner. These stickers must be affixed to the left stern of the boat. Boats are only to be launched from the boat launch which is located near the clubhouse. Boats cannot be left in the waters of Upper Greenwood Lake overnight unless you become a POA member.
Change of Ownership Form
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