November 2015 Meeting Minutes


Upper Greenwood Lake

November 10, 2015


Jones, Jim P Veninger, John P Quirk, Andrew P
Burr, Rob P Straubel, Kathy P Martucci, Greg E
Colnaghi, Warren P Manzo, Rene P Zielinski, Gary P
Oleg Vasertriger P Nietzer, Laura E Donoghue, Paul P*
 Decina, Dennis P Sarnowski, Karen P Pojedinec, Jane E

P= PresentE = Excused A= Absent P* present via Skype

Attorney Present: James Romer [X] yes [ ] no

With a quorum present, the meeting was called to order at 7: 26pm by John Veninger.

Public Session:

Ginny Rees, a resident of Witte Rd. for two years, expressed interest in joining the board.
A motion was made by Kathy Straubel and seconded by Karen Sarnowksi to nominate Ginny Rees as a board member. Ginny will take Ed Igielski’s seat for the duration of the term which is up in 2016.
A motion was made by Rob Burr and seconded by Gary Zielinski to approve the regular meeting
minutes for October, 2015.
7 yeas; 0 nos; 3 abstentions


5 Sewell notified the board that she will not be paying easement dues.
131 Point breeze notified board that he fixed his dock. The resident included a picture showing his
neighbor’s deck/dock which is infringing on parklands. A letter will be sent stating that the dock needs to be brought into compliance allowing it to be perpendicular to the lake.
265 Point breeze built a patio on parklands; we received a letter from resident’s lawyer stating that the resident simply repaired the patio and it was approved by the board as it was “grandfathered in”. This has not been approved by the board. A letter will be sent explaining that the patio needs to be removed.
Jim Seussman sent a letter to our accountant requesting an amended 2012 audit. Paul Donoghue will discuss with our accountant and advise the board.
Jim Seussman emailed Tanya and cc’d John Veninger’s personal email account in regards to a boat
parked on parklands property. As Mr. Seussman stated that this boat is not an issue for him, this will not be addressed.
669 Lakeshore Dr. is putting in a new septic; this does not affect parklands 7 Oakland Ct. has applied for a building permit for an addition on the house; this does not affect parklands
23 Upper Greenwood Lake Rd. is having work done on septic system; this does not affect parklands
21 Spruce Pt. Trail is installing a new septic; this does not affect parklands
681 Lakeshore Dr. is installing a new septic; this does not affect parklands
103 Point Breeze Dr. has applied to have a fence replaced. – Karen Sarnowski will take a look at the site and determine if parklands is affected.

Membership Secretary’s Report:

Karen Sarnowski reported that there are 607 POA memberships this year, with 13 double docks, 16 tenants, and 7 specials for a grand total of 643. There are a total of 1462 easement members. These numbers are above last year’s. Collections have been excellent.

Tenants at 44 Passaic Dr. –There has been an ongoing issue regarding their boat being docked in the lake without having a POA membership. The UGLPOA sent a letter the tenant and has had no reply.

The account will be sent to our attorney for him to contact the tenant.

Two families were found to be sharing a POA membership and using the beach. A letter was sent demanding payment. There was no reply. This matter will be sent to the attorney for him to contact the parties.

105 Lakeshore Dr. –a boat was left in the lake since the drawdown. It needs to be validated as to whose boat it is.

699 Lakeshore Dr – POA trees were removed. Owner was supposed to replace the trees. This needs to be checked.

Treasurer’s Report:

Paul Donoghue reported that easement collections have been increased to 83%.  We have some categories that are below spend and some that are over spend.

POA collections are at 105%.

Tanya has done a great job getting payments from delinquent dock holders. There are some minor over variances and under variances.

A debit card was discussed as well as pre-cutting a check and setting up a petty cash fund. Paul will discuss with Tanya.

A motion to approve the POA and Easement financial statements for October was made by Rob Burr;

Oleg Vastriger seconded the motion.

10 yeas 0 nos 1 abstention

Discussion on the 2016 Easement budget ensued. Some line items could receive less funding due to low spends this past year. Having a contingency fund would need to be approved as a new line item.  This would be able to supplement where necessary. Another view is to keep the same budget as last year in order to keep the same easement dues.

Rob Burr made a motion to support the 2016 easement budget as discussed, Karen Sarnowski seconded.

11 yeas, o nos 0 abstentions

Unfinished Business:
Graffitti on township property: no report

Unpaved roads: No new information

Review of Master Plan submissions: no new information

Bulkhead: waiting on the permits


Short Term Projects: none

Long Term Projects: none


Activities: no report

Beach: no report

Boathouse: no report

By-Laws/Rules/Regs: no report

Clubhouse: no report

Computers: No report

Dams: no report

Docks: no report

Dredging: John Veninger discussed the possibility of getting a loan to fund a million dollar dredging project at a 2% rate. This is offered by the DEP office of engineering. We need to revamp our application. This could cause an increase in the easement dues at a future date. This will need to be voted on by the membership. There is $184, 000 in the future dredging fund. Karen Sarnowski will revamp the application to ask for $1million.

Easement: An Easement meeting was held on November 10, 2015 at 7pm. (see Public Session)

Encroachment: No report

Environment: no report

Entertainment: no report

no report

Insurance: no report

Legal: no report

Master Plan: no report

Parklands: Karen Sarnowski reported on a location where a boat and a car are parked on parklands.  They are blocking access to a dock. Karen will send a letter to have them removed.

Publicity: no report

Newsletter: No report

Security: No report

Stumps: no report

Township: no report

Weeds: no report

Ad hoc committees:

Storm drains: no report

Independent audit committee:
no report

New Business:

A motion was made by Rob Burr and was seconded by Kathy Straubel to adjourn the meeting at 11:16pm.

Approved by acclamation.