Upper Greenwood Lake

Annual POA Hot Dog Roast
Saturday, July 17
12pm to 4pm
on the beach.

Join us for hot dogs & games for kids.

This event is for POA members only and is free.
Rain date: Sunday July 18
Music Under the Stars
on UGL Beach

7pm to 9pm
Saturday, August 7th

Featuring: McDermott BROTHERS Band

No charge but donations for the Band are appreciated.

BYOB, lawn chairs & snacks (no glass on the beach)
Animated Fireworks Cliparts - Cliparts Zone
UGL Annual Fireworks

At dusk
Saturday, August 21st
Rain date: August 28th

To our new neighbors: The Fireworks display is at the UGL Dam in north section of lake nearest the beach and can be seen by boat, from the beach for POA members and from many surrounding neighborhoods.