Upper Greenwood Lake


LAKE SAFETY ANNOUNCEMENT: The Association has become aware of a situation of abnormally thin ice in the main section of the lake bounded by Witte Road, Warwick Turnpike and Lakeshore Drive North of Upper Greenwood Lake (as shown in the attached photograph).  There is an area of open water surrounded by ice of questionable thickness, which cannot support weight and is considered extremely dangerous for any activity, including walking, fishing, snowmobiling, ice skating, skiing, and snowshoeing.  The Association strongly urges everyone to stay away from this area until the ice thickens.

PLEASE EXERCISE EXTREME CAUTION if you plan to be out on the lake for any outdoor activities.  The Association cannot verify which parts of the Lake are safe for outdoor activities.  If you see or know of other areas of thin ice, please reply to this message, and contact the UGLPOA office as soon as possible.