Our Baby Eaglets are Growing!!
All appears well for our Eagle parents and babies. The babies are growing by leaps and bounds and appear to be doing well.
We received an email from the NJ Division of Fish and Wildlife regarding a call they received, and rightfully so, from a local resident regarding multiple boats parked directly below the eagle’s nest!!
Let’s be clear: This is NOT ACCEPTABLE. No boater should be in the area of the nest tree. This behavior is EXTREMELY STRESSFUL to the parents, as well as, the Eaglets. It could be so stressful that an Eaglet could fall from the nest and either end up severely injured or even worse. They could potentially fall into the lake and drown. Fish and Wildlife are relying upon us, the UGLPOA, Inc. to communicate the Do’s and Don’ts regarding good Eagle Nest Behavior.
All Boaters, with the exception of those with docks in Firehouse, Audubon Coves and nearby Passaic Drive, need to stay out of the 1000 foot circle from the nest when out on the lake. See below map. Boats needing to travel east from the Dam / Beach area may do so staying to the right of the line from Snake Island to the south end of Blueberry Island. Boats should not be parking in the areas anywhere within the circle until after July 31st. We know this has been a popular area in the past but please find somewhere else during this time until the eagles have fully fledged (flying to and from the nest). All Dock holders in the areas within the circle are asked to come and go quietly and with no wake.
If phone calls to Fish and Wildlife reporting residents continuing to encroach upon the nest continue, they will come up to UGL and issue warnings and / or citations with fines/penalties. Please tell your neighbors, your friends and other boaters you may see out there about not using this area until after July 31st.
The majority of boaters are following our guidelines and we and the eagles, Thank You!! Let’s work together to keep the summer safe for all of our residents, both human and animal.
Stay clear of the nest, spread the word and please No Fireworks!!
Keep some copies of this message with you when boating and share it with others, especially if you see people heading towards the nest. Let’s make sure everyone knows about this special event unfolding in our midst.
And remember the best viewing is with binoculars at the old Firehouse!