Fishing Derby & Fireworks Update

Upper Greenwood Lake

The 2020 Silver Anniversary

Fishing Derby

Sunday, June 28th
8am to 12pm
at the UGL Boat Launch

Social distance protocols are to be followed. Guest Boats may not be available, please plan accordingly.


(Please include name, number of people & ages)

Registration will close on Friday June 26 at 4pm.

Start time is 8am with organized socially distant weigh in at 12 noon sharp.

Trophies and Prizes will be awarded.

The total weight of three fish will be tallied. Obviously larger fish will be weighed separately for the Lunker prize. The three fish must be presorted to give to the weight taker. Bags will be available if needed.

Annual Fireworks

Due to the current Covid restrictions in place by the Governor, we are postponing our Fireworks Display to the rain date of:

Saturday, July 25th.

This gives us enough time to allow the fireworks company, the volunteer firemen, the UGL  ambulance corp and all other volunteers time to prepare in the event that restrictions are lifted.


All other events that were scheduled are currently cancelled due to the Covid restrictions.