Eagle Protections Being Implemented on Upper Greenwood Lake

Upper Greenwood Lake

You will shortly notice the several actions that the Board is implementing to protect the resident nesting eagles on our lake. First, we are hanging bright yellow signs and placing buoys stating NO BOATS and KEEP OUT to remind lake users who are entering the areas of Audubon and Firehouse Coves, north-north east of Blueberry and Snake Islands, that we are asking for only necessary boating for residents in the area at this time. New Jersey’s Conserve Wildlife recommends that minimal boating and lake activities occur within a 1000 foot radius of the nest, and this entire area falls within this range. We ask all to abide by this temporary inconvenience until at least the end of July.
Second, we advise members whose docks are within this zone to motor, paddle, or row out of this area from their docks while maintaining the farthest distance from the nest as possible, along with keeping quiet and maintaining a no wake speed limit. Proximity to the nest is one of the most disturbing activities for the eagle parents, so we would like to see it avoided as best as you can.  To be clear, we are not telling residents who live and/or dock in this area that you cannot use your boats. You can, but with awareness of the eagles’ location and staying as far away as possible.
Come the end of July, the eaglets should be flying in the skies with their parents, adding to our eagle population here in UGL, and at that time regular activities can resume in this area.
For good viewing with binoculars and for photos, we suggest the old Firehouse parking area. It is next to impossible to see the eaglets from underneath the nest – an eagle nest can be six feet wide! – so one needs to be a good distance away to have any kind of a view.
For additional information on nesting eagles, visit this link for a wonderful brochure about eagles and their comeback in New Jersey. It has plenty of good information and advice for all in our community:  http://www.conservewildlifenj.org/downloads/cwnj_693.pdf
We thank you in advance for your cooperation in giving these beautiful birds a great start to their new lives and minimizing the stress that the eagle parents will have raising their young in this location.
The Board of Trustees