Boating Accident
Sunday, July 30th
You may have already heard that on Sunday afternoon, July 30th, a person on a PWC ran into the rear of a powered rowboat that was towing a disabled boat, causing the powered rowboat to flip over and ejecting the occupants of that boat into the water in the main channel near Dover Cove. The PWC driver left the scene. The occupants in the disabled boat that was being towed were able to assist the people ejected into the water to safety. Art Higgins and the UGLPOA Security team responded to the scene and assisted with the rescue. Security was then joined by Ken Hall, WMPD, and the State Police. No injuries were reported at the scene. Further information is not available at this time while we await the police report.
This unfortunate incident reminds us all that we and our guests are responsible to our community to be familiar with and obey the laws of New Jersey and the Rules and Regulations of the UGLPOA to ensure a safe and enjoyable lake for all. Please be careful on the water, and be mindful of your own safety and the safety of others.
Thank you,
UGLPOA Board of Trustees