January 2016 Meeting Minutes


Upper Greenwood Lake

January 5, 2016


Jones, Jim P Veninger, John P Quirk, Andrew P
Burr, Rob P Straubel, Kathy P Decina, Dennis P
Colnaghi, Warren E Manzo, Rene P Zielinski, Gary P
Rees, Ginny P Nietzer, Laura P Donoghue, Paul P
Sarnowski, Karen P Oleg Vasertriger P

P= PresentE = Excused A= Absent P* present via Skype

Attorney Present: James Romer [X] yes [ ] no

With a quorum present, the meeting was called to order at 7: 19pm by John Veninger.

Public Session:

A motion was made by Rob Burr and seconded by Gary Zielinski to approve the regular meeting minutes for November, 2015.

9 yeas; 0 nos; 1 abstentions


Jane Pojedinec and Greg Martucci have resigned from the board.

Paul Donoghue made a motion to accept the November public meeting minutes. Andrew Quirk seconded the motion.

9 yeas 0 nos 1 abstention

Jim Suessman emailed John Veninger’s personal email account again.

Membership Secretary’s Report:

Karen Sarnowski reported that there are 609 POA memberships this year, with 13 double docks, 16 tenants, and 7 specials for a grand total of 643. There are a total of 1490 easement members. These numbers are above last year’s. Collections have been excellent.

Treasurer’s Report:

Paul Donoghue reported that easement collections have been increased substantially by Tanya. We are in a good position for 2016.

A few line items have been running over, but many are under budget.

POA collections are at over 100%.

Paul reiterated the need for check request forms to be completed for approval of expenses. If necessary, identify yourself and what you are approving and how much is being approved in an email or text.

Our general fund is getting larger than necessary. We could potentially put that back into the operating budget and invest it into the community.

A motion to approve the POA and Easement financial statements for December was made by Rob Burr; Oleg Vastriger seconded the motion.

12 yeas 0 nos 0 abstentions

Unfinished Business:

Grafitti on township property: no report
Unpaved roads: No new information
Review of Master Plan submissions: no new information
Retaining Wall: Damaged retaining wall needs to be repaired. Jim Jones feels it should be paid for by the POA since the POA owns the land. The board agrees.


Short Term Projects: none

Long Term Projects: none


Activities: Kathy Straubel reported that Breakfast with Santa was a huge success. It was sold out a week before the event. Thanks to Ginny Rees for helping out. The next activity is Comedy Night on February 6.

Beach: : Laura Nietzer reported that a lot of sand was reclaimed. Defibrillator pads and an outdoor movie screen have been purchased.

Boathouse:Rob Burr reported that all contracts are signed and payments collected.

By-Laws/Rules/Regs: no report

Clubhouse: Gary Zielinski reported that Barbarese gave him a very good price, $22, 500, to redo the front deck. Karen Sarnowski mentioned that two other bids need to be obtained as per the bylaws. Paul Donoghue discussed that there is not enough money in the maintenance budget for the clubhouse. John Veninger asked if the board wanted to take out approximately $25,000 from the general POA fund which has money available. Karen Sarnowski mentioned that a clubhouse committee meeting needs to happen to discuss the possibility of a new heating system for the clubhouse before the front deck is addressed. Jim Jones mentioned that salt cannot be used on stamped concrete.

Laura Nietzer made a motion that the clubhouse committee can spend up to $12, 000 coming from the general fund, once they receive 3 bids for a heating system to be approved by the executive board. Rob Burr seconded the motion.

11 Yeas 0 nos 1 abstentions

Computers: John Veninger discussed the fact that a new scanner will be purchased for the office. Andrew Quirk and Oleg Vasertriger discussed the possibility of having a searchable database for the meeting minutes so past references can be found easily. Oleg can address this. He would also like to eventually set up a CRM system to assist in maintenance of accounts payable.

Dams: no report

Docks: no report

Dredging: John Veninger asked if we have applied for the $1 million state loan? Princeton hydro gave Rob Burr prices for lake analysis which he feels are high. These surveys may be needed to apply for a dredging permit. Rob and Karen will discuss.

Easement: An Easement meeting was held on January 5, 2016 at 7pm. (see Public Session)

Encroachment: Point Breeze patio – follow up with Tanya re: legal letter received

Environment: no report

Entertainment: no report

John Veninger discussed the fact that we are down to 14 board members when we are allotted up to 20. We need to recruit. Oleg Vasertriger will put a notice on the website and a flyer can be sent with the dues.

Insurance: no report

Legal: Paul Donoghue made a motion and Rob Burr seconded it to go into executive session 8:44pm. All in favor

Master Plan: Rob Burr reported that he received all of the submissions from Jane Pojedinec regarding the master plan and will work with Karen Sarnowski on this.

Parklands: Jim Jones reported that he would put off the paving until the spring. A new park was installed on Lakeshore N. right by the berm on the lake. He will be installing a planter box in the parking lot.

Publicity: Oleg Vasertriger would like to improve the newsletter.

Newsletter: No report

Security: John Veninger asked for a volunteer for a chair for security. No one volunteered for this position.

Stumps: Jim Jones reported that many stumps were removed by the bowl.

Township: no report

Weeds: no report

Ad hoc committees:

Storm drains:
Jim Jones reported that Julia spoke with Eric from the township and the last two for 2015 to be retrofitted on Witte Rd. will be done as soon as possible. We need to decide which two secondary drains need to be addressed and notify the township.

Independent audit committee:
Due to the lack of need for one and based on board discussion John Veninger dissolved the ad hoc audit committee.

New Business:
Annual retainer request from Schulman, Black and Katz was received

A motion was made by Oleg Vasertriger and seconded by Rob Burr to pay the retainer.

12 yeas, 0 nos 0 asbtentions

Annual retainer request from Hunsinger, Jones and Sweeney was received.

A motion was made by Paul Donoghue and seconded by Rob Burr to pay the retainer.

12 yeas, 0 nos 0 abstentions

A motion was made by Rob Burr and was seconded by Kathy Straubel to adjourn the meeting at 9:39pm.

Approved by acclamation.

respectfully submitted by Kathy Straubel