February 2, 2016
Jones, Jim | E | Veninger, John | P | Quirk, Andrew | P |
Burr, Rob | E | Straubel, Kathy | P | Decina, Dennis | E |
Colnaghi, Warren | P | Manzo, Rene | E | Zielinski, Gary | P |
Rees, Ginny | P | Nietzer, Laura | P | Donoghue, Paul | P |
Sarnowski, Karen | P | Oleg Vasertriger | P | ||
P= Present E = Excused A= Absent P* present via Skype
Attorney Present: James Romer [X] yes [ ] no
With a quorum present, the meeting was called to order at 7: 20pm by John Veninger.
Public Session:
A motion was made by Karen Sarnowski and seconded by Laura Nietzer to approve the regular meeting minutes for January, 2015.
8 yeas; 0 no’s; 1 abstention
A motion was made by Karen Sarnowski and seconded by Laura Nietzer to approve the executive meeting minutes for January, 2015.
8 yeas; 0 no’s; 1 abstention
Jim Suessman emailed John Veninger’s personal email account again after having been asked to not contact John via his personal email. He continues to rail about our accountancy firm running our audits and the amount of money in our accounts receivable account. Everything in the letter the board has already addressed with Mr. Suessman.
Membership Secretary’s Report:
Karen Sarnowski reported that there are 91 POA memberships this year, with 2 double docks, 1 tenant, and 0 specials for a grand total of 92. There are a total of 267 easement members. These numbers are above last year’s numbers.
Special status memberships need to be approved by the board. $424.75 was suggested as the amount.
Laura Nietzer made a motion that the board approve and charge the existing 7 specials $424.00. Oleg Vasertriger seconded the motion.
9 yeas 0 no’s 0 abstentions
Treasurer’s Report:
Paul Donoghue asked that the easement and POA financials be tabled until next month since the POA budget hasn’t been voted on yet.
Paul discussed what he was told about the 2012 financial audit by our accountancy firm. A payment was made in 2013, but recorded in 2012. Our accountants recommend that we don’t amend the statements as it’s not material.
A motion was made by Gary Zielinski to rescind the motion to amend to the 2012 financial statements. Seconded by Oleg Vasertriger.
8 Yeas 1 no 0 abstentions
Unfinished Business:
Grafitti on township property: no report
Unpaved roads: No new information
Review of Master Plan submissions: no new information
Retaining Wall: No report
Short Term Projects: none
Long Term Projects: none
Activities: Kathy Straubel reported that the next activity is Comedy Night on February 6. It is sold out. The Bunny breakfast is on March 12. Jason Horn will run this activity, but will not use his credit card for the expenses. John Veninger stated that a blank check can be issued to a vendor for his use. A St. Patrick’s day party will be held on March 12 with the Jimmy the Barber band playing. Kathy reported that she feels she cannot adequately chair the activities committee as she is not able to attend and assist with many of the activities due to her schedule. Ginny Rees volunteered to take over as chair of the committee.
Beach: : No report
Boathouse:No report
By-Laws/Rules/Regs: no report
Clubhouse: Gary Zielinski reported that the committee is interested in replacing the geothermal unit. Gary will have three contractors bid on this.
Computers: John Veninger needs to purchase a scanner for the office.
Dams: Andrew Quirk reported that the water level of the lake is back to normal level. The crank is not completely closed. There are a few components that need to be addressed. His budget should cover these repairs.
Docks: no report
Dredging: no report
Easement: An Easement meeting was held on February 2, 2016 at 7pm. (see Public Session)
Encroachment: Point Breeze patio – Tanya was in contact with the new owner and she requested a deed and information from them.
Environment: Andrew Quirk corresponded with Dr. Wu at Montclair State to investigate the possibility of having her students investigate biotic factors in the lake.
Entertainment: no report
Executive:No report
Insurance: no report
Legal: Jim Romer reported that he sent a map of the footprint of the parking area which determines which area is POA and which is Easement.
Master Plan: No report
Parklands: No report
Publicity: Oleg Vasertriger has been working on the website. He would like board members to bring FAQs to next meeting to be approved. He will set up a Google Doc to organize these.
Newsletter: No report
Security: John Veninger asked for a volunteer to chair this committee. Kathy Straubel offered to chair it if someone would take over Activities. Ginny Rees volunteered to take over the chairmanship of the Activities committee.
Stumps: No report
Township: no report
Weeds: no report
Ad hoc committees:
Storm drains:
These are currently being worked on by the township
Independent audit committee:
Due to the lack of need for one and based on board discussion John Veninger dissolved the ad hoc audit committee.
New Business:
2016 POA budget was discussed. The draft budget was made. This will be voted on at the next meeting.
A motion was made by Laura Nietzer and was seconded by Kathy Straubel to adjourn the meeting at 9:56pm.
Approved by acclamation.
Draft respectfully submitted by Kathy Straubel