May 10, 2016
Jones, Jim | P | Veninger, John | P | Quirk, Andrew | E |
Burr, Rob | P | Straubel, Kathy | P | Decina, Dennis | P |
Colnaghi, Warren | P | Manzo, Rene | P | Zielinski, Gary | P |
Rees, Ginny | P | Nietzer, Laura | P | Donoghue, Paul | P* |
Sarnowski, Karen | P | Oleg Vasertriger | P | ||
P= Present E = Excused A= Absent P* present via Skype
Attorney Present: James Romer [] yes [X] no
With a quorum present, the meeting was called to order at 7: 26pm by John Veninger.
Public Session:
3 Piermont: This is a POA member with a dock; another member has a gate he keeps locked which denies 3 Piermont access to his dock.
A motion was made by Rob Burr and seconded by Karen Sarnowski to approve the regular meeting minutes for April, 2016, as corrected.
8 yeas; 0 no’s; 2 abstentions
Membership Secretary’s Report:
Karen Sarnowski reported that there are 512 POA memberships this year, with 12 double docks, 6 tenants, and 6 specials. Above last year’s totals at this time. There are a total of 1245 easement members.
606 Lakeshore Dr. owes 16 years of easement dues. She wrote to ask that her tenants be allowed to join the POA even though she is not current on her easement dues. The board’s response is that the owner must be current with the easement dues in order for the tenant to join the POA.
Treasurer’s Report:
Paul Donoghue reported the following:
· Including past due collections of $42,812, Easement is at 72% of total collections. We are currently at an allowable spending rate of 47% on discretional spending categories. I would expect the discretional spend percentage to grow, as we continue to collect past due easement fees.
· Parkland expense is at 39%. Please keep in mind we moved monies out of parklands, weeds, and several other categories to a contingency fund. If additional monies are needed for these areas, or other unbudgeted expenses; the Board can vote to move money from the contingency fund to where it is most needed.
· I’m not going to point out over/under at this point, as we have not incurred any major expenses. Overall, our balance sheet is very healthy, with funding for dam, boat motor replacement, and bulkhead in place.
· Total dues collection is at 80%, including late fees, and past due payments.
· Clubhouse rental is at 43% of budget early in the year! If this positive trend is expected to continue, we should consider increasing the expected rental income in 2017’s budget, as well as increasing the maintenance spend to match.
· As we have not yet incurred major expenses for POA from the beach, I’m not going to point over/under spend.
The balance sheet is healthy, with adequate reserves.
A discussion continued about increasing the POA dues for 2017.
Laura Nietzer made a motion to propose an increase of the POA dues by $25 per year; Kathy Straubel seconded
8 Yeas; 3 no’s; 0 abstentions
Rob Burr made a motion to approve the April financials; Ginny Rees seconded.
11 yeas; 0 no’s 0 abstentions
Unfinished Business:
Grafitti on township property: no report
Unpaved roads: No new information
Review of Master Plan submissions: no new information
Retaining Wall: Jim Jones reported that the environmental committee met with Larry Kovar regarding the health of the lake. Larry recommended that the lake only be lowered once every five years. A coffer dam was suggested instead of lowering the lake. It was suggested that a partial lowering of the lake be done to reduce the height of the coffer dam. Karen will look into the DEP’s regulations on coffer dam usage. The permit expires in 2021.
Short Term Projects: none
Long Term Projects: none
Activities: Ginny Rees reported that a secondary yoga class may be offered in the future. One resident still needs to sign off on the fireworks. An increase of $2000 for fireworks was instituted this year due to donations.
Beach: Laura Nietzer reported that the beach will open the Friday before Memorial Day for weekends. Gate guards have been instituted this year. Hot dog roast date is TBA. Movie nights will be announced as well. Beach clean-up is Sunday, May 15.
Boathouse:Rob Burr reported that boats are being removed.
By-Laws/Rules/Regs: no report
Clubhouse: Gary Zielinski reported that he has put in numerous hours getting estimates, etc. for the geothermal system.
Dennis Decina made a motion to use Perfection for the replacement of the geothermal for $20,796 with a contingency of 20% to come out of an account determined by the treasurer; Rob Burr seconded.
11 yeas; 0 no’s; 0 abstentions
Computers: no report
Dams: Kathy Straubel reported that the dam inspection will be on June 17. Andrew Quirk got two bids for installation of the trash rack. Princeton Hydro quoted $9000 for measuring and engineering. Walker Diving quoted $5100 for only the measuring. John Veninger will email Andrew with some questions regarding this issue.
Docks: Karen Sarnowski reported that she has a deck/dock rebuild that is over parklands. A letter has been sent. Another deck/dock rebuild on Audubon was built larger than allowed. A dock in Clubhouse cove added an L-shaped piece to his dock. No application was made. The owner says that he needs the modification for a disabled parent. The board decided that the L-shaped dock is not appropriate, but the board is looking into a handicapped accessible area for lake accessibility.
Dredging: Rob Burr reported that he met with Karen and Andrew. They also met with Eric Hastings, in regards to an open permit for bulkhead replacement. They will meet with the WM lakes committee to work together for this.
Easement: An Easement meeting was held on May 10, 2016 at 7pm. (see Public Session)
Encroachment: Point Breeze patio – Tanya was in contact with the new owner and she requested a deed and information from them.
Environment: Kathy Straubel reported that the committee met and discussed the parameters and locations where water testing should be done once a bid has been accepted.
Entertainment: no report
Executive: no report
Insurance: no report
Legal: no report
Master Plan: no report
Parklands: Jim Jones reported that a few trees have been removed. Barges are back in the water.
Publicity: Oleg Vasertriger has received some FAQ’s. He will send an email for everyone to approve.
Newsletter: Oleg Vasertriger would like article submissions. He’d like to complete it sooner rather than later. Karen Sarnowski suggested that the newsletter be posted on the website to be downloaded. The deadline is June 1.
Security:Kathy Straubel reported that she held a security meeting. The security boat should be in the water soon. Buoys will be placed. A cell phone will be purchased for the security boat and walkie talkies will also be purchased. CPR/First Aid certification will be scheduled for security personnel, as well as any lifeguards that need it.
Stumps: no report
Township: Andrew Quirk reported that the lakes committee had a meeting regarding living with Canada geese. They suggest egg addling to deal with large amounts of geese. A permit is required to do this.
Weeds: Rene Manzo reported that the weed treatment isn’t the cause of the issue of small/low fish populations.
Ad hoc committees:
Storm drains:
John Veninger reported that the street sweeper is broken and WM did not notify us about this which violates our agreement. Also the street sweeping that has been done has not been done well.
Independent audit committee:
no report
New Business:
A motion was made by Laura Nietzer and was seconded by Kathy Straubel to adjourn the meeting at 10:05pm.
Approved by acclamation.
respectfully submitted by Kathy Straubel