Bathymetric Survey

Upper Greenwood Lake


The UGLPOA, Inc. is having a Bathymetric Survey* performed this week, so there will be Engineers and Specialists out on the lake conducting measurements from special boats starting Wednesday, October 20th through Friday, October 22nd.  If you are out on the lake, please maintain a good distance from them so that they can conduct their data collection without disruption. 

A friendly wave is AOK!

Once completed, the company will provide us with a report of the depths of the lake, which will be compared to past studies for determining what areas of the lake may be in need of future work.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation in this endeavor.

*Bathymetric surveys measure the depth of a water body and map the underwater features of a water body.  Our study will also determine the depth of accumulated soft material above the hard pan surface of the lake’s bottom.  Soft material is a combination of decomposing material (leaves, plant material, etc.), eroded soils, roadway grits, and any other materials that have entered the water body.