Annual Fireworks

Upper Greenwood Lake

Fireworks Update
  Some of you may have heard that we have a nesting pair of Bald Eagles with eaglets on Upper Greenwood Lake. This is very exciting news, but as they are a protected species, there are many precautions for them that we are now required to follow. The Board has been notified by the State of New Jersey that our fireworks must be postponed because the explosions can be detrimental to the newborn eaglets or could cause the parent eagles to abandon the eaglets and their nest. Substantial penalties can be incurred by the UGLPOA if we don’t put adequate protections in place and the eaglets are lost.

We also want to inform everyone that individuals whose actions in the vicinity of the nest prove detrimental to the survival of the eaglets can be subject to a criminal fine by the State of New Jersey as well, up to $100,000. So, we ask everyone to join the Board and the UGL community in protecting these magnificent birds to maturity.

Therefore, the Board of Trustees will be moving the date for our annual fireworks display to Saturday August 21 (Raindate: August 28). We realize this may change your plans and we thank you in advance for your understanding on this matter.

We look forward to another blockbuster display, and hope to see you there!
UGLPOA Board of Trustees